Art Direction, Design & Production
SPArtboard 3print_test.png

San Pellegrino

San Pellegrino 

Art Direction and Design

How to Distinguish San Pellegrino sparkling fruit beverages from typical sodas.

San Pellegrino is made with natural citrus juices. It contains no artificial flavors, and has less sugar than an average soda. In the mind of the consumer, these natural flavors position the beverage as a healthier, better-for-you alternative.

Convert to San Pellegrino: the sweet sparkling drink that you can enjoy without guilt.

Sister James protecting the city-sinners


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Interactive confession booth offers 24/7 guilt free sipage anywhere with internet.

AH darn! Father Flynn's confessional hours are over.

Tom Daley: CW
Caitlin Blumer: ST
Andrew Jones: AD